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Environmental circularity

Circularity and sustainability are words that have been resounding all over the world in recent years; certainly included in the common language by the “2030 Agenda”, signed on 25 September 2015 by the governments of the 193 member countries of the United Nations, and approved by the UN General Assembly. The Agenda is made up of 17 Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs – framed within a broader action program made up of 169 targets or goals, associated with them, to be achieved in the environmental, economic, social and institutional by 2030. The 17 Goals have global validity and refer to a set of important issues for sustainable development: economic, social and ecological one; that is, they aim to end poverty, to fight against inequality, to tackle climate change, to build peaceful societies that respect human rights. ECOCIS policy is committed to complying with this program on a daily basis, in order to give its own very small contribution to building a better world.

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